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Showing posts from May, 2024

A Cure for The Deadly Feline Disease FIP Will Be Available Soon in the US

Medication for FIP, the deadly feline disease, will be available for the first time in the US on June 1. If you are a cat owner, you may be familiar with the name Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). This is a disease that affects cats. It is caused by a mutation in the feline coronavirus. It is something you never want your own cat to contract since this is usually a fatal comdition. Most cases of feline coronaviruses are largely harmless and go away on their own, b ut occasionally the virus mutates to become FIP. The tissues around the kidney, brain, or belly may become extremely provocative as a result of FIP. While the early signs of FIP might vary, they frequently include your cat sleeping more than normal, an occasional fever that rises and falls, appetite loss, and low activity. "Once a cat develops clinical FIP, the disease is usually progressive and almost always fatal," the Cornell website states. However, good news comes for cat owners. The reason is, that re

Scabies Spray Poisoning, A Cat Named El Lost His Life

A cat named El lost his life on May 13 2024 due to poisoning after being given a spray for scabies. This news was posted by a TikTok account @adys143 on Monday, May 13, 2024. In the video, the cat named El is seen dead and covered in a white cloth before being buried. "El is now in peace and doesn't hurt anymore. It has been confirmed by the vet that El's liver disease is not due to allergies or congenital disease but is purely due to poisoning with the poisonous substance trichlorfon in scabies spray. Thank you for your prayers and support, guys," wrote the uploader. Chronology The incident started when Anggraeni, El’s owner, took El to a veterinarian in Bandung City for a flea injection. At that place, the vet explained that this injection could also be used for fungus and scabies. However, because she wanted double protection, she bought a scabies medication product which is in the form of a spray and is used by spraying it on the skin. After several d

Symptoms, Causes, And How to Treat Worms In Cats

Worms not only affect humans, but pets can also get worms. This condition makes cats uncomfortable and can disturb their health. There are several symptoms of worms in cats: the body looks thin, weak, bloated belly, throwing up, and diarrhea. Nurul Anjar, an animal doctor at Vetopet Animal Clinic, Bogor, West Java, said there are factors that cause worms in cats, both internal and external factors. Internal factors are usually infected by the mother when still in the womb. Meanwhile, external factors are caused by the environment or eating food that has been contaminated with worms. This worming disease can be dangerous for pets because the worms will absorb the cat's nutrients. This can inhibit the growth and development of cats, especially kittens. Therefore, a cat owner must take immediate action. There are several types of worms that often infect cats. They are tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms. How to treat cats with worms Doctor Nurul explained that the right action is to

This Is The Reason Why Cats Like to Sleep in Car Hoods

It's no longer a secret that cats can sleep anywhere. They are even often found sleeping in uncommon places such as under the car, on top of the car, or even inside the car hood. So, what is the reason? A veterinarian from The Paws Pet, Marie Celina Lughti-Mergilla, explained that the habit of sleeping or simply taking shelter on the hood of a car is their natural instinct to look for a safer and warmer place. “Cats like warm places. Because they have a higher body temperature than humans," said Mergilla. "Stray cats usually come into the engine room because they are looking for shelter to stay warm. They do this to save energy when taking a nap. They also like the engine room, because it is dark and they can sleep in peace," she added. According to Cats Protection, the fact that they sleep a lot is an extraordinary characteristic of cats in general. The average cat spends 18 - 20 hours sleeping a day. Some experts say this habit is normal and n